Atlas Chiropractic & Wellness has instituted the following policies in order that we may better serve our patients.

  • Please provide at least three hours for canceling and rescheduling of appointments so that those who are waiting for an appointment can be scheduled.
  • Cancellations with less than three hours notice will result in a $30.00 charge.
  • Failure to cancel will also result in a $30.00 charge. Atlas Chiropractic & Wellness always attempts to confirm all appointments the day before the scheduled appointment. If you need to respond after hours to notify us of a cancellation or to confirm your appointment, feel free to either leave us a voicemail message, or text us at 214-999-1019.

Due to the policy as stated above, Atlas Chiropractic & Wellness will provide you with a statement reflecting the missed appointment charge. The balance should be paid before another appointment is made with our office.

Please understand that we are implementing this policy in order to better serve and accommodate all of our patients, who are seeking appointments for chiropractic care.

Get in touch with Atlas Chiropractic & Wellness!

We truly believe that everyone deserves to live pain-free, even as you age. We will do everything we can to ensure that you are comfortable. We are proud to help you live better lives, pain-free.